7 nights in all directions and positions
Hej med dig der kan lide nye ting:
Wagadudu er en serie med syv usaedvanlige fester, produceret af folkene bag Copenhagen DISTORTION.
Nye ting som: nightclubbing paa sjove steder & fest paa kedelige steder, elektronisk musik & ikke-elektronisk musik, forskellige folk & ens folk, ny kunst & gammel kunst, mad & motion,
www-kultur & sandwich-dancing, og ogsaa nok lidt god gammeldags sex&drugs&rock&roll.
WAGADUDU #1 - report - Sat 10 Aug.2002 in Bus + Dragør Beach + Store Vega backstage.
WAGADU #2 - report - Thu 31 Oct.2002 in Luftkastellet + Woodstock.
WAGADU #3 - Sat 14 Dec. 2002 on Kgs Nytov ice-skate rink + Champagne Boat + Panton Lounge.
WAGAD #4 - Fri 25 Apr. 2003 Fashion show + Electropunk party at Langelinie Pavillion.
WAGA #5 - report - Sat 10 May. 2003 on Helgoland (Wedding-Party-Crashing).
WA #6 - Sat 31 May. 2003 at Luftkastellet + Öresundsbro (bus) + Københavns havn (boat) + Halvandet(4xDancefloors,hiddendarkroom) + afterparty under the Refshaleoeen windmills.
W #7 - report - Thu 7 Aug. 2003 in Stereobar + bus + Under Knippelsbro + Magic Kingdom.
Just for fun and pseudo-intellectualism:
Lucky are those who have felt him - many have even given up ever meeting him... don Wagadu is the supreme being that feeds on "the Wagad", which is a feeling comparable to what the rasta call the "positive vibration", only without necessarily being totally stoned.
The spiritual being that leads HUMAN Productions, also referred to as Lord Wagad, Thorvaldus del Wagaduss, and who could locally be nicknamed "Waaaasker-der-her!", has decided to bless 7 Copenhagen nights with his soul, to teach Northern-Europe passers-by the true meaning of exhilaration.
don Wagadu is often in contact with Fleurquin!
(Master Jedi at the head of the HUMAN crew - Copenhagen), and after years of
party-analysis and late-night
experiments around town, Lord Wagad finally came up with a quest that HUMAN
Productions would have to carry through. As usual, don Wagadu spoke in respect of local traditions and values, but the very
nature of his soul is evolutive. So he said to Fleurquin:
"Implementing Bukkake and sandwich-dancing was just for fun. The real quest shall
be... ACTION-HYGGE !!"
So here we are: Club Wagadudu is on.
Wagad à-la-Danoise is about action-hygge.
- join the HUMAN lists:
Note: "we never write texts on mushrooms.
never! - TDF"